I’m participating in the inaugural Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair at Powerhouse Arts, Mar 27–Mar 30, 2025! I‘m one of 28 self-representing artists, plus there will be 42 galleries, printshop and publishers and six academic departments.
Visit Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair for tickets.
Thurs, Mar 27: VIP Opening Night Benefit 6–9pm
Fri, Mar 28: 11am–8pm
Sat, Mar 29: 11am–6pm
Sun, Mar 30: 11am–5pmPowerhouse Arts
322 Third Ave
Brooklyn, NYStellar Small Prints 3
November 1, 2024—January 31, 2025
“In this 3rd iteration of Stellar Small Prints, we feature artists who have impacted the print world through their small format works. This traditional and historical aspect of the intimate scale of the printed image enables the sharing of knowledge, personal insights, and iconic messages from afar. Look closely again for deeply felt care in the artists’ crafting of impressions that condense visual mastery and visionary possibilities. Selections from the Constellation Studios collection will also be shown.”
Curated by Karen Kunc
Constellation Studios
2055 O St
Lincoln, NE 68510
(402) 438-0049
My drawing Buildings #1, (6x9”; paper cut and pasted on paper, pencil) is included in I Like Your Work’s Fall 2024 online and catalog exhibit, SubstanceThe exhibit was curated by David Linneweh
SYNT & The Front Back to School Flat File Event
September 9th and 10th, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm
Flat file works from over 50 artists worldwide
@thefrontnycThe Front
131 Chrystie Street NY, NYHard Edge
Online group exhibition at Ely Center of Contemporary Art.
July 1–September 30, 2023
51 Trumbull St, New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 507-7320I'm thrilled to announce that Manhattan Graphics Center has awarded me one of four of their new Scholarship Work Exchange Monitor positions, starting in October, 2020 as they reopen after COVID lockdown.
I'll be ensuring the safety of printmakers coming in to use the studio and in general guaranteeing that things are working somoothly.
Along the Nerve
Three person exhibit with Arthur Burso and Paul Simmons
Curious Matter
July 21–September 15, 2019
Opning reception: July 21, 2019 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
272 Fifth Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302
201.273.8569, gallery@curiousmatter.org
Gallery hours: Sundays, noon–5:00, or by appointment
Raymond E. Mingst curator’s essayChromaphilia (Chroma Feel-Ya!): Benefit Art Auction and Gala
Apr 5–27, 2019
50 Orange Street
New Haven, Connecticut
(203) 772 2709MADE HERE / FALL 2018
November 29th–December 30th, 2018
A group exhibition featuring new work by artists in residence at Guttenberg Arts:
Golnar Adili / Jangsoon Im / Charles Luce / Robin Sherin
Opening Reception: Saturday, December 1st, 2018, 6–9:00 pm
Guttenberg Arts Gallery
6903 Jackson Street
Guttenberg NJ 07093
(201) 868-8585Artist talks at Manhattan Graphics Center:
Robin Sherin & Will Kaplan
October 20, 2018, 6:30pm – 8:30pm
250 West 40th Street, Fifth Floor, NYC 10018
(212) 219-8783Works on Paper exhibition
September 1–21, 2018
Reception: September 11, 2018, 7–9pm
Barron Arts Center
582 Rahway Avenue
Woodbridge , NJ 07095
(732) 634-0413This exhibit strives to showcase contemporary works of art on paper that reflect innovative use of medium, technical excellence and personal vision. Works include pencil, pen & ink, gouache, watercolor, acrylic and more. Artists were chosen based on composition, impact, creativity, and technical execution. For more information please call
Guttenberg Arts has kick-started my 2018 by awarding me a Space and Time Artist Residency (STAR). Scheduled to begin on September 7th, I’m excited and honored to be one of the selected artists. I can’t wait until September!
I’m excited and honored to have been awarded a Manhattan Graphics Center scholarship for their 2017 Fall term (Sept. 5 – Dec. 23). It provides unlimited workshop hours and free tuition for one class.
MGC is a printmaking workshop in New York City, located at 250 West 40th Street, between 7th and 8th Avenues.
Vanishing Point
|Art House Productions Gallery|
Curators: Arthur Bruso, Raymond E. Mingst
(Note: Art House suffered major damage following flooding from a burst pipe.)
The new location and dates are:
The gallery at Jersey City Medical Center/Barnabas Health (formerly the Jersey City Museum)
350 Montgomery Street
Jersey City, New Jersey
(201) 915 9911
March 3 – April 15, 2016
Opening reception: March 3rd, 6:30 – 9:00
Hours: Wednesday through Friday 4 – 7PM